Monday, August 13, 2012

We always have more to learn

A child looks at what can be disproved; an old man, who needs not learn more, denies the presence of refute.

Nights of desperate escape

Each man wishes when he goes to sleep that his dreams shall be peaceful and charming, but surrealistic madness can come from slight irony, and a world of chaos is the most likely to inspire happiness.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

continuing the read

I continued my reading of Intensity Man, in which a character was introduced called Enormity Man.  Enormity Man was a hero, supposedly, who sent energy from his defeated opponents to a mysterious portal in space.  This was assumed to be a method of powering his own abilities, but in the end, he was discovered to be powering a machine that would destroy the universe.  He was defeated.


I was working in my garden, and I poked forward upon a flower with the ruler that I used to measure the plant growth, yet the flower moved both forward and somewhat to the side.  Meanwhile, viruses and bacteria reproduced inside me, and bacteria ate me.  I could get in a car, and the car would be accelerated as I.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I was reading through the archives of a comic called Intensity Man recently, and one thing that another character told the namesake was interesting:  "We are unique, posessed of a special power which provides a wide variety of great powers.  One thing is consistent, though:  Our hair is always thick and luxurious.  Hair is highly resistant to chemicals and heat, it weakens as we do, and you might say that our heads grow hair.  Do you perhaps have some sort of motto that you would like to follow while fighting crime?"  Intensity Man said, "Yes, I do:  I shall protect the weak and act to save all who are in danger.
Life has progressed a great deal, and as it did, extinction was a constant.  Once, life was naught but single-celled creatures, too simplistic to develop. An extinction forced them to become multi-cellular creatures, eventually developing into fish.  Fish had flippers, and were unable to use the tools necessary for true development.  They were culled once again, and in order to survive, they had to develop into dinosaurs.  Dinosaurs had the potential to develop, but they grew too large and powerful, and fought with each other.  They were killed, and replaced by smaller creatures called mammals.  Mammals developed into humans, and humans advanced, but they became too violent and disparate.  Mammals were subject to extinction, and humans were forced to band together and work to survive.